Culture eats Strategy for breakfast*

we work in four primary practice areas to solve your most critical challenges to growth and purpose.

*peter drucker

>> Vision & Purpose: Organizational Vision, Purpose and Brand Foundations to inspire action

>> Vision & Purpose: Organizational Vision, Purpose and Brand Foundations to inspire action

>> Organizational Design:  To ensure that your way of work empowers your organization to achieve its most important results

>> Organizational Design:
To ensure that your way of work empowers your organization to achieve its most important results

>> Brand Strategy:  Our brand strategy is rooted in compelling truth to tell your story, strengthen your culture and captivate your target audience

>> Brand Strategy:
Our brand strategy is rooted in compelling truth to tell your story, strengthen your culture and captivate your target audience

>> Strategic Planning: We define Strategic Planning as strategy that clarifies and drives results and progress from the urgent to the enduring

>> Strategic Planning: We define Strategic Planning as strategy that clarifies and drives results and progress from the urgent to the enduring



We're here for the creative tension and the even-more-creative problem-solving. We're here for the joy of working together.

>>We're here for practice that you use every day so that you can see, track and understand that if you care about purpose, what matters most is results.

We stand for values - like empathy and genuine curiosity, mutually beneficial relationships, and gratitude - for celebrating unselfish and selfish beneficial exchange, for growth with purpose, and for the metrics that measure both.


we don't fuck around ORANGE BOX.png

We structure projects in full-day, hourly, and results-based projects. Our approach is highly-focused and time-efficient.

  • Strategy sprints:
    focused work spread over 2-6 1/2 day sessions to get answers fast

  • Brand Research and Analysis:
    efficient, effective, expert brand and consumer/community research to drive effective strategy

  • Coaching/Project Work:
    for ongoing implementation and action


Our Rates:

  • Project work or retained hourly engagements: by request

  • Fast and light initial engagements - two 1/2 day immersive workshops focused on vision/purpose, team problem solving or key strategy questions + three 90-minute implementation sessions: $3,800

  • Full/Half Day Engagements: $1800/day, $900/half-day

  • Hourly Consulting: $265/hour


Or at least we strive to. All the time and as an end in itself. Because great work - meeting people where they are and helping them to identify where the want to go, helping them get there: that's OUR PURPOSE. We are Senior-Level Domain Experts with a love of creative problem-solving, laughter and vulnerability. We will show up; we we will ask you to as well.

We wake up in cold sweats thinking about strategy that gets locked away in a filing cabinet, or the broken-winged birds of a dream deferred. We think your purpose is what will make you grow, drive your profit, attract the best people and help you wake up each morning ready to do what needs to be done.

We aren't afraid of failure, being wrong or asking questions even if they might seem dumb, or hard, or both.

In our process, we are naturalists, not landscapers: our work is inspired by ecology, by a sense of place and a deep love of the natural world. It starts with understanding the people, place, purpose, and processes that make your organization unique and helping you identify the internal strengths, connections and community that will help you grow towards your light. We see the forest through the trees and never try to replace it with a well-manicured lawn. We are organizational ecologists who show up for you, and we'll ask that you show up for us too.

WE GUARANTEE OUR WORK: If you can't use it, we will support you to make sure you can. Work that doesn't get used just makes us sad.